Current Affairs Of The Month February 2023

Welcome To TheLawiq Today We Providing Current Affairs Of The month February 2023 look at these and other Current Affairs Of The month of February 2023.

Ngozi Okonjo – lweala Appointed As WTO Director-General

Ngozi Okonjo – lweala of Nigeria has been appointed as the new director-general of the World Trade organisation she is the 7th director-general of the World Trade organisation.

but the first woman and also the first African to Head a multilateral Trade organisation.

National Current Affairs.

Priti Sinha appointed as the head of the UN capital development fund

the UN capital development fund has appointed Preeti Sinha as an executive secretary established 1966.

the UN capital development fund to provide microfinance to the least development country Preeti Sinha is an Indian-origin investment and development banker in the United States

RTI activist Anjali Bhardwaj gets an Anti-corruption champion award

Indian social activist Anjali Bhardwaj has been announced as one of the eleventh winners of the newly constituted international and anti-corruption champion award by the Joe Biden administration.

  • The Awards recognise individuals who have worked to defend transparency compact corruption and ensure accountability and their respective countries.

Union budget 2024 – 2025

on the 1st February finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman has presented the union budget in the parliament for the upcoming financial year 2024-25 this was the third budget presented by the Nirmala Sitharaman.

the finance minister set said that their budget set on 6 pillars

  1. health and wellness
  2. physical and finance capital and infrastructure
  3. inclusive development
  4. human capital
  5. innovation
  6. minimum Government and maximum governance

passport service integrated with Digi locker for paperless documentation

the ministry of external affairs launched the new scheme of integrating the digital locker platform with passport services.

  • applicant applying for passport services are provided links to specific document uploads in the Digi locker

This is a key instigated launch under the digital India mission Digi locker provides citizens with Shareable Private Based government cloud-enabling availability on old document certificates provided on this cloud.

Union government issued new guidelines for Geospatial data map making.

the Government of India released new guidance on geospatial data and map making the new guidelines liberalize the rules and allow private companies to conduct surveys and mapping without prior government approval.

Indian companies will require no prior approval, security clearance licences for activation and production of Geospatial data & Geospatial data services including maps.

  • this will be beneficial for all alive sectors that need data such as logistic and transporting, road safety eCommerce.

International Current Affairs

China emerged as India’s top trading partner in 2024-25.

the data released by India’s commerce Ministry Showes That China has become top trading partner of India during the 2024-25.

India’s long-standing depends on Chinese heavy machinery Telecomic equipment other product has Late to the Bullring trade deficit with China at 40 million dollars.

Science & Technology

Science and technology
Science and technology

Facebook versus Australia

Facebook Blocked news on its platform in Australia as retaliation against new media payments brought by the Australian government.

ο the banned on news created Shocked as Facebook blocked information pages and government pages including health and emergency services.

In This, We Have Provided Current Affairs Of The Month February 2023 I Hope You Like IT And Don’t Forget To Share This Post.

यह भी पढ़े.

Current Affairs Of The Month January 2023

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