Sr. No.
Short Form
Governed Authority / Relevant Act
Current Chairperson
1 Central Information Commission CIC Right to Information Act, 2005 SHREE HEERALAL SAMARIYA To Inquire into complaints from aggrieved persons.
2 Central Vigilance Commission CVC Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003 SHREE PRAVINKUMAR SHRIVASTAVA To prove offences by central Government officers, Officers of societies, corporations and local authorities under the Central government.
3 Committee on Reforming Bureaucracy Governed under the Union Cabinet Best Practices of Bureaucracy
4 Commission on Criminal Justice Governed under the Union Cabinet Compensation to Victim, Reformation of Criminal Justice System.
5 Commission of Enquiry Commission of Enquiry Act, 1952 Justice J.C Shah To enquire into the definite matter of public importance with the power of civil courts.
6 Commission of Center-State Relations Governed under the Union Minister of Home affairs Review of working of existing arrangements between union and state.
7 Commission of Enquiry into Oil-for-Food Scam Governed under the Union Cabinet To inquire into the Oil-for-Food scam
8 Competition Commission of India Competition Act, 2002 To curb monopolies, To ensure fair Competition in India
9 Delimitation Commisssion Delimitation Commission Act, 2002 Readjustment of the allocation of seats in Lok Sabha to several States and total number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of each state
Sr. No.
Short Form
Governed Authority / Relevant Act
Current Chairperson
10 Election Commission Constitution of India Preparation of electoral rolls, direction, superintendence and Control of elections to parliament and state legislature
11 Finance Commission Constitution of India Distribution of Financial resources between Union and State, proceeds from taxes, etc.
12 Justice Nanavati Commission Constitution of India To inquire into the 1984 Riot case
13 Law Commission Governed under the Union Cabinet To suggest for implementation and development in constitutional and legal matters including the human way of the death penalty
14 National Commission for Backward classes National Commission for Backward classes Act, 1993 Including of castes as a backward class in OBC lists and to deal with related matters
15 National Commission on Minorities National Commission on Minorities Act, 1992 To evaluate the progress of the development of minorities under the Union and States
16 National Commission on Labour Governed under the Union Cabinet To review and suggest improvement of labour standards.
17 National Commission to Review the Working of Constitution of India Governed under the Union Cabinet study of working of the constitution
18 National Commission for Scheduled Castes Constitution of India To investigate and moniter the matters relating to safeguards provided for SCs
19 National Commission for Schedule Tribes Constitution of India To investigate and moniter the matters relating to safeguards provided for SCs
20 National Judicial Commission Constitution of India Appointment of Judges in High judiciary and transfer of High Courts Judges
21 National Forest Commission Governed under the Union Cabinet Review and assessment of existing forest policy
Sr. No.
Short Form
Governed Authority / Relevant Act
Current Chairperson
23 Planning Commission Governed under the Union Cabinet To oversee the 5 years planning program for the economic development
24 Sahariya Commission to Review Pota Governed under the Union Cabinet To review the POTA implementation in Centre and various states
25 Liberhan Commission Governed under the Union Cabinet To enquire into demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya
26 Tehelka Commission Governed under the Union Cabinet Examination of Video tapes by Forensic lab.


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